[Delay Profiles] quality upgrade times


I was just thinking about potential solution about lowering unnecessary quality upgrades. What if a delay feature was added, which would prevent downloading episodes before specific time. Most people from day to day can’t watch episodes until after certain time. Either you have work, school or sleeping. Meanwhile episodes are getting upgraded for no reason, bandwidth is wasted. I know that “Torrent delay” feature currently exists, but It’s not completely solving this issue.

Building on this idea, some of us can also roughly know when we will watch an episode. For me, I can say I’ll watch the episode on the same day or the day after, if there are more releases. So upgrading after one day is mostly pointless to me. It would be nice to have a feature to stop automatic upgrades after certain time of download.

What do you think?

In what ways does the current delay profile not work?

Your second idea sounds like a lot like

Delay feature does not work good, when episodes are uploaded too close to or in your free time. For example, if the best quality of episode is released at the same time you come from work, that delay time can also be a bad thing, especially on quality trackers. Also sometimes best episode quality can be released hours after first release, which you can’t really solve with delay option.

Determined download time range would allow you to watch best episode quality available, when you have time to watch it. It would not completely solve unnecessary upgrades, but it would be an upgrade over delay.

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