Delay Profile not working

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10 1511 (10586.545)
Debug logs: N/A yet
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:

I record most of my tv shows and they get copied into the folder that Sonarr is monitoring. Sometimes, a show is missing season/episode info, which I correct manually. I want Sonarr to wait 3 days before downloading from usenet to give me time to fix it. Sonarr isn’t waiting for some reason. Here’s how I have it setup:

For recorded tv shows, they have a profile of RecTv and a tag of rectv.

The RecTV profile only contains SDTV and a delay profile is setup to only use usenet with a delay 4320 minutes and is tagged with rectv tag.

Last night, a double episode of BattleBots was recorded. Unfortunately, MCEBuddy doesn’t handle multi-episodes yet and the file was named …s01e08… instead of …s01e08-09… So, Sonarr saw the 08 episode and added it, but it also saw that the 09 episode was missing and downloaded it after just 6 hours. Ideally, I would manually rename the episode within the 3-day window and avoid an unnecessary download.

This happened a couple of weeks ago, too. That time, I saw the show on the activity screen the night it aired, a Wednesday I think. The time left showed a time on Saturday. So, it appeared it was going to work. But, the next morning it had downloaded the show.

If a debug log is necessary, it will have to wait until next week when this will happen again. Hopefully, I just have a setting messed up.


If the quality grabbed (SDTV) in this case is the highest ranked allowed quality in the profile then it will be grabbed without delay. Which is the case for your RecTV profile which is assigned to Battlebots. A quick workaround would be to ad DVD to the RecTV profile so it doesn’t auto grab the SDTV release.

Let’s see if I understand. If there’s only 1 quality in the profile and a matching episode shows up, the delay is ignored because Sonarr figures there’s nothing to wait for. So, if I included a higher quality, it would see the SDTV version and either wait 3 days or download the higher quality if it showed up during the 3-day delay.

For your scenario yes.

For anyone else that may read this and not have the exact scenario if you had SDTV and DVD in the profile and DVD showed up it would grab immediately and ignore the delay.

So, in my case, too, if a DVD release shows up in the 3-day wait period, it would be downloaded immediately, correct?

If I want to make sure that only SDTV can be downloaded and only after 3 days, could I use a quality that I will never actually want to use like Bluray-2160p, which I assume would be a rather large file. Then, change its size limit to something ridiculously low like 100MB and add it to the profile. Sonarr will never be able to match and after 3 days would get the SDTV release. If, within the 3-day wait, I add the recorded show it won’t get the SDTV release because a higher quality file already exists, even though that quality isn’t in the profile.

Yeah, that would solve it.

Correct, the quality of the file doesn’t need to be in the profile (It just has to be ranked higher than the quality that would be grabbed).

Great! Thanks a bunch!

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