Data disappearing

Sonarr version (exact version): by []
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: docker
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

1237 series, 41954 episodes, 36196 files

my data is randomly disappearing - the files still exist but sonarr no longer sees them - and all the episode history is gone - it will reimport if i click on the refresh and scan button.

debug logs have nothing because i have no idea when this happened and they only go back about a day.

normal logs also have nothing, they go back a month but theyre normal, they dont exactly log much.

basically i have no way to tell when this happened, and while the files are still there im more concerned about the sonarr database losing its history as thats where all of the episode data (that wasnt stored in the filename) is kept.

i’ve already updated my filename format to include the info i need (and renamed every file in sonarr) so if it happens again the reimport should be able to parse it back out.

is there anywhere else i can look to check the database isnt going screwy?

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