Custom thexem server

I’ve setup my private xem install on a local machine. It’s all setup correctly and mappings have been created.

To save me changing the url in the source and recompiling I have left the nzbdrone install as is and simply added an entry to my hosts file

Now when i access from my browser is goes to my local install, perfect.

Only thing is nzbdrone doesn’t seem to like this at all. Getting the following error

[GET] [] Failed. [NotFound]

If i go that url in my browser it works perfectly and lists the shows with mappings.

I’ve also restart the nzbdrone service.

Should this work? Have I missed anything? I know this is a but out of the norm but any assistance would be great


Was looking further into the exception and it seems it is hitting the correct page. As you can see on the last line it is returning the correct page. So what else could be causing the exception?

NzbDrone.Core.Rest.RestException: REST request failed: [404] [GET] at []
at NzbDrone.Core.Rest.RestSharpExtensions.ValidateResponse(IRestResponse response, IRestClient restClient) in m:\buildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Rest\RestSharpExtensions.cs:line 43
at NzbDrone.Core.Rest.RestSharpExtensions.Read[T](IRestResponse restResponse, IRestClient restClient) in m:\buildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Rest\RestSharpExtensions.cs:line 50
at NzbDrone.Core.DataAugmentation.Xem.XemProxy.GetXemSeriesIds() in m:\buildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\DataAugmentation\Xem\XemProxy.cs:line 43
at NzbDrone.Core.DataAugmentation.Xem.XemService.RefreshCache() in m:\buildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\DataAugmentation\Xem\XemService.cs:line 87
at NzbDrone.Core.DataAugmentation.Xem.XemService.Handle(SeriesRefreshStartingEvent message) in m:\buildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\DataAugmentation\Xem\XemService.cs:line 118
at NzbDrone.Core.Messaging.Events.EventAggregator.PublishEvent[TEvent](TEvent event) in m:\buildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Messaging\Events\EventAggregator.cs:line 56
{“result”:“success”,“data”:[“74379”],“message”:“These shows have some kind of mapping”}

Try clearing the cache for IE and/or restarting the computer.

Why are you setting up your own? This completely defeats the purpose of a community contributed site like xem.

Yeah did a full restart of the pc.

Main reason I’m creating my own is, I’ve made a number of changes to thexem some time ago and they have never been made public. So figure I create my own.

edit: Tried wiped IE cache, still nothing.

In Theory should what i’m doing work?

Thing is it looks like it is returning the right site as you can see from last line of exception (74379 is the only show I have setup) :frowning:

Yeah it should work. A 404 comes from the web server.

Seems like a drastic response instead of trying to help the community.

Guess it is a bit drastic. I really wanted to get my head around the mappings a bit more and test them out. That way I can be certain what I upload to thexem is 100% working.

Cheers for the help

Solved the issue, mod_rewrite not being enabled correctly on the apache server hosting the xem install.

All good now and running else

I can understand the reasoning here. I submitted changes for Pokemon’s new season over a month ago now and it still hasn’t been approved.