Criminal Minds (KR) always goes to Criminal Minds US folder

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Win server 2012 R2
((Debug logs)):
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:

As the title says, i already set the KR / Korean criminal minds to correct path but somehow it always goes to the US folder,
any idea why?
A quick look at the logs and it seems like the grabber can’t differentiate release names between the US and the KR

C:\ProgramData\NzbDrone\logs\sonarr.trace.1.txt (4 hits)
Line 39403: 17-8-10 10:44:46.8|Trace|TorznabRssParser|Parsed: Criminal Minds E05 1080p-NEXT
Line 39407: 17-8-10 10:44:46.9|Trace|TorznabRssParser|Parsed: Criminal Minds E05 450p-NEXT
Line 39410: 17-8-10 10:44:47.0|Trace|TorznabRssParser|Parsed: Criminal Minds E05 720p-NEXT
Line 39412: 17-8-10 10:44:47.1|Trace|TorznabRssParser|Parsed: Criminal Minds E05 360p-NEXT

It had to do with the mapping and the extension when importing vs grabbing, if you refresh the series it should be good now.

1 Like

thanks i think it works now… the location was also incorrect i think

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