Couldn't add report to download queue SABnzbd Error

Hi, new to the software, Was using other software prior but have recently merged to this. Im getting this error at 11:30 at night and have no more patience. So i wanted to leave this here in case i don’t figure it out tomorrow. Heres the log: I replaced the show name.

Hopefully this is easy, thanks in advance.

Couldn’t add report to download queue. (Show Name): Error response received from SABnzbd:
NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.DownloadClientException: Error response received from SABnzbd:
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdProxy.CheckForError(IRestResponse response) in m:\BuildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\SabnzbdProxy.cs:line 173
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdProxy.ProcessRequest(IRestRequest restRequest, String action, SabnzbdSettings settings) in m:\BuildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\SabnzbdProxy.cs:line 68
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.SabnzbdProxy.DownloadNzb(Stream nzb, String title, String category, Int32 priority, SabnzbdSettings settings) in m:\BuildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\SabnzbdProxy.cs:line 41
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.Clients.Sabnzbd.Sabnzbd.Download(RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode) in m:\BuildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Download\Clients\Sabnzbd\Sabnzbd.cs:line 51
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.DownloadService.DownloadReport(RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode) in m:\BuildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Download\DownloadService.cs:line 44
at NzbDrone.Core.Download.DownloadApprovedReports.DownloadApproved(List`1 decisions) in m:\BuildAgent2\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Download\DownloadApprovedReports.cs:line 46

You will need to enable Trace logging to have the response from SAB logged. Also check SAB to see if there is an error there.

2014-06-25 18:43:04,594::warning::[nzbstuff:736] Empty NZB file Arrested.Development.S04E11.720p.WEBRip.x264-QRUS [Arrested.Development.S04E11.720p.WEBRip.x264-QRUS]
2014-06-25 18:43:11,171::warning::[interface:189] API Key missing, please enter the api key from Config->General into your 3rd party program: ::1>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36
2014-06-25 18:43:11,171::warning::[interface:189] API Key missing, please enter the api key from Config->General into your 3rd party program: ::1>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.153 Safari/537.36

This is the sab log, Even though i have entered the api key, tested connection and it works fine :S but wont add any more shows, i have added heaps than suddenly stops

The API key error could be from something else. Also an error about an empty nzb. Clear your logs in SAB and drone, enable trace logging in drone and see if there are any errors on the drone side or SAB when adding a release to SAB.