Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): OS: Docker 24.0.6 under Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 LTS Debug logs: Sonarr Trace Log Snippet · GitHub Description of issue:
I can’t seem to get hardlinking to work, Sonarr copies all downloads.
I’ve got the setting turned on under Settings > Media Management.
My download and media directories are on the same drive (Downloads: /data/media/Downloads, Media: /data/media/TV)
I believe my Docker container has the correct permissions (I’ve shell’d into the container and tried manually linking files and that seems to work). As far as I can tell the trace log doesn’t present an error when it tries to link.
I don’t have episode renaming turned on.
To check if files are hardlinked I’ve been using the stat command and comparing Inode numbers.
I don’t immediately see a copy/move event in the log you provided, but if you have more than two mounts in sonarr (one being config and the other the top folder where all your media and downloads are), it’s most likely poor path layout as explained in the wiki, if sonarr doesn’t hardlink.
Thanks for the reply. That link was very helpful. I’ve found the issue.
In an attempt to limit what folders my services had access to, I had separately passed through the TV and Downloads folders in Docker, for example
Despite both appearing to be in /data/media within the docker container, they are separate mount points and therefore hardlinks cannot be created between them.