Copy Seeding torrent files instead of hardlink option

Dear Sonarr team.

Thank you for the great work that you have done with this excellent client.

However I am missing a feature that I don’t really understand why it has been excluded.

My current setup might be a bit odd for some people never the less.

I have a windows machine as a dedicated machine for sonarr, cp transmission-qt sabnzb etc.

The windows machine currently downloads completed and incomplete download to a local hdd on the machine for both nzb and transmission.

Then sonarr and CP will scan the completed folder and when it finds a new series episode it will move them to my Freenas Box where I store all media.

The problem that I have is that it cannot move seeding torrent and I understand that there is a hard link feature, but as you can probably understand it is not suitable in my setup as hard linking to Freenas location does not work when I stream of the freenas machine.

My feature request is, it would be nice if there was an option to just make a Copy of the file directly to the server when it is seeding rather than the hard link and / or move option.

So it would look something like this

Windows Machine download torrent and puts it in the completed folder and keeps seeding > Sonarr sees the file and just makes a copies of it (without trying to delete the original and put that copy in the other location (my nas). This way I can keep seeding and the file gets copied straight away so that I do not have to constantly look at the client to see if there is a new episode that didnt get moved correctly.

Thank you for reading.

The default is Copy (Sonarr won’t move a seeding torrent), Hardlinking is opt in and falls back to copying if the hardlink doesn’t work. The setting is even called Use Hardlinks instead of Copy (and advanced setting on the Media Management page).

Thank you for the reply.

For some reason though it wont copy for me unless I remove the torrent from transmission.

After the torrent gets removed in transmission, the file gets copied to the location and the file in the complete folder gets removed.

I understand that a seeding file cannot get moved, but copying it to another location should still work?

So I think that the “copy” option is more of a move option or am I wrong?

Thanks for reading and replying.

Sonarr will check your download client and figure out what is downloading, what is waiting to import and what it has already imported. For things that need to be imported Sonarr will import them and will either move it (usenet/torrent that has finished seeding) or copy/hardlink it (seeding torrents, depending on your settings).

If you told Sonarr to scan the completed folder for you client instead of relying on Completed Download Handling it won’t know if it’s seeding or not and always move it.

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