Content shift on modal-open

Thank you for your great work!
I noticed someone reported this before, but when you open or close a modal the content of the main window will shift due to the scrollbar.
The update to Bootstrap 3.3.5 should fix that by adding padding specific to the browser to the main body through Javascript (I made the Glitter skin for SABnzbd and had the same issue on the older Bootstrap version). Wonder why it doesn’t work for Sonarr since you also use that version of Bootstrap?

Not entirely sure, its been an issue since we moved to BS v3, but we’re working on a UI overhaul that I believe has already solved this issue.

Looking forward to that :smile: Saw the new-ui branch on Git but will just have to wait until it makes it to the develop-branch!

Yeah, needs a lot of work, but we’re pretty excited.

I started using 0.8.0 Beta4 the other day, Glitter is great. Is there a good place to file feedback for it?

Can always open a Git issue or add it to one of the ongoing issues for general improvements/tweaks!
Like this one:

Awesome, I’ll try to spend some more time with it and look over that issue, forgot SAB was on GitHub now.

We’re really close to releasing the final (we renamed 0.8.0 to 1.0.0, no more beta-feeling :stuck_out_tongue: ), so in case you have any feedback let us know :smile:
Otherwise will take it for 1.0.1!

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