Configure utorrent

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows10
Debug logs:
Description of issue: configure utorrent in sonarr


Im new at this so sorry for the “stupid” question.
How do I have to configure utorrent into sonarr?

no such version exists…assuming that 9 should be a 0?

Don’t use the malware, cyrptominer that is utorrent - the world moved on to qbittorrent over a decade ago, but avoid .0 releases as they are always buggy - v4.3.9 is fine.

what do you need help with? there’s nothing complicated about it…?

the port is the webgui port to use

see the wiki - which has the quickstart guide, download troubleshooting article, and every single setting detailed out and documented

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