Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows Server 2022
Debug logs: radarr.debug.txt (
Description of issue:
Up until very recently, I would find shows I wanted with Sonarr (and movies with Radarr), use Sabnzbd to grab them, and the downloads would be properly renamed and moved upon completion. Now, neither sonarr nor radarr renames anything and the files stay in the “radarr” and “sonarr” folders waiting for me to manually move them.
I have no idea why it stopped working, as I don’t recall making environmental changes. At least not until today when I attempted to reinstall them as Windows Services with no luck… and then back to standard applications with system tray functionality added back. Again, no luck.
I had a bit of luck telling sonarr and radarr to stop renaming things and just used Sabnzbd sorting to rename and move everything. The problem with this approach is that neither radarr nor sonarr seem to receive information from the sab api that the files are complete. Or perhaps they do, but don’t like not having to move them as the downloads go from “Downloading” to “missing.” And I have to perform a “refesh and scan” to make the arrs see that the downloads did finish.
For the purpose of this request, I have disabled sorting in Sabnzbd and went back to hoping sonarr would do the job.