Children shows that have two episodes in one program

There are some children shows that have two separate episodes within one 30minute program. I’ve noticed that Trakt will display these 15 minute episodes (examples: Doc McStuffins and Paw Patrol) as a single episode so a normal 25-26 episode season is showing up as 48-52 episodes throwing off any chance of automating these shows properly. I checked a couple of the other sites such as imdb and tvrage and they show the episodes 1-26 instead. I’m sure this situation is in the minority but is there anything that can be done about this that I’m missing? Does it just go to trakt first and then ignore the rest of the sites? Trakt is displaying Paw Patrol as air dates of Dec 31st 1969 and January 1st 1970 which is also going to mean I’ll never see this show on my schedule.


Drone gets its info from Trakt, Trakt gets its info from TVDB and TVDB apparently uses the double-episode format. Nothing you can really do about it unless you go edit the series on TVDB and I’m sure people will hate you if you change things to a completely new naming scheme.

I did just fix the air time issue on TVDB. Once Trakt picks that up at least you’ll see the show on your calendar.

True story time,
The initial reasons I stared nzbdrone (I hope @markus101 had better reasons) was to add proper support for spongebob, actually the initial branch of what you know as NzbDrone (It was called something else back then) was called spongebob. What I’m getting at is it’s something I really do care about, the only issue has been that haven’t been able to come up with a good way to do it.

But there is hope,
we are doing some preliminary work on episode detection based on file signatures, this would help since some of the releases are single episode and some are double, and we could finally detect which is which. obviously I can’t promise anything but things might happen!!!

I found the branch!

Editing the series on tvdb will just get the series locked. tvdb follows the network’s info where they are listed as two separate episodes in one time slot.

To correctly resolve this issue you will have to use to setup a mapping, while not a kids show, Beavis and Butt-Head had the same problem and this is how its fixed on

Fantastic! I really appreciate the responses guys. The more I looked into the issue on TheTVDB I saw that any type of solution was futile and I was most probably destined to deal with this manually ongoing. I’m excited to hear you’re working on some sort of solution based on file signatures.

I see that Trakt now has the correct air dates on Paw Patrol. Will NzbDrone automatically update that? They still show 1969/1970 on my end so I am not sure if the update needs to be forced or it will on some sort of schedule.

I will check out thanks for the suggestion :smile:

It will fix itself but you can force an update. Open the series detail page and click the “update series info and scan disk” button on the top right. The icon looks like two arrows forming a circle.

Well duh. Thanks. I thought I did that before posting but apparently not. Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, I have a problem with Paw Patrol. Originally when I added the series to Sonarr, it downloaded around 40 files from season 1 & 2, but each file was 2 episodes, eg following the listings on Wikipedia, where there is episode 1a and 1b, which downloaded as Episode 1. Once we get to episodes 2a and 2b, this then starts to break.

I just spent hours to break up each file into separate files per episode, cleared all existing “double episodes” from disk, refreshed Sonarr and then dumped the single-episode files into the drone factory folder. Now they were suddenly imported as “Paw Patrol - S01E01-02 - title1 + title2”! That’s wrong as well because the file that got that name only has episode 1 (or 1a if you follow wikipedia) in it.

I then tried to copy the original “episode 1 & 2” (or 1a/1b) into the dronefactory as “Paw Patrol S01E01-02”, which then got picked up and renamed as “Paw Patrol - S01E01-02-03-04 title1 + title2 + title3 + title4”!!!

How do I make Sonarr correctly pick up individual files per single episode? My son keeps asking for specific episodes to watch, and these double episodes are highly annoying.

1a and 1b would need to be labeled S01E01 and Sonarr would import it and attach it to both episodes. If you manually sorted a file named S01E01 Sonarr would treat it as only the first episode as it treats already sorted files as matching its structure.

I looked at the TVDB conversation about this a while back. Apparently someone had changed it at one point (for Paw Patrol actually) and everyone threw a fit. So I wonder, if the files downloaded have two episodes, why is the naming convention against that?

Blaze and the Monster Machines seems broken too. And Mickey Mouse Clubhouse seems like a lost hope.

Lucky my kid doesn’t care

Because there are two numbering schemes for this series: Scene and Tvdb.
Drone Factory assumes that whatever you put in there is numbered as Scene, and uses (if applicable) thexem to map to tvdb while importing. In your case TheXem Paw Patrol.
If you have files numbered by Tvdb, dump them in the series folder instead and refresh the series.