Change to API? Issues displaying shows in NZB360

I’m not sure if this is an issue with Sonarr or with NZB360, however; it was working yesterday in NZB360 and the only program that updated recently was Sonarr. I’m currently running Sonarr DEV

When I try to view anything other than the show list within NZB360 none of the shows appear. The sections that aren’t working are the Airing Soon, Missing and History. The Show list displays the shows, but once I click into a season it causes NZB360 to crash/force close.

Perhaps this has something to do with the fix that corrected the calendar and the show times? This is the only thing I can think of, that could be the culprit. Is there anything you need with regard to logs or screenshot, please let me know. I will post them in this thread.

Thanks for your hard work!

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No the Sonarr API had not changed. We just restored previous functionality with that change.

Wasn’t there an nzb 360 update recently as well?

We’re happy to help troubleshoot if we’re sending something unexpected, but not sure what it could be.

I just checked and there hasn’t been any updates to NZB360 as of yet. Strange how it was working as recent as Thursday and now it doesn’t. I will make a post on the NZB360 forums and see if there’s anything the developer can think of.

Having the same issue, currently on Dev branch as well.

Can also confirm bug.

I also confirm this bug.

If someone can get logs as to why/where its failing in nzb360 then we can take a look, at the moment there isn’t anything that we can look at.

Sounds like it might be the same as this issue:

Hmmm, i’m actually on the master branch and still having the same issue.

Same issue here.

I’ve asked Kev (dev of 360) if there is a way to enable debugging in 360… I’m not finding any connection logs for it on my device. See link ^ for 360 forum status.


That’s my post :smile:

Other than using logcat, I’m not sure there are any debug logs in the app.

That might be worth mention to Kev on the NZB360 forums, if you haven’t already, as he believes it to be a develop branch problem.

I can see where it’s crashing in the crash logs. When I get home tonight, I’ll take a look. Seems to be an issue with some array being null, where I expect it to have at least a length of 0.

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Thanks! Let us know what you and we’ll take a look, I took a quick look and don’t see any recent changes to the models we sent down.

Looks like episodes for seasons is coming back as null? This is only from looking at the crash logs. I can’t actually get this to reproduce in my instance, even on the development branch.

Odd, seasons have never had episodes under them. I thought it might be images being null for episodes, but we don’t send those down (never have).

If someone has a series that fails when they go into it every time then maybe we can focus on it?

Heres some examples of series that are crashing the 360 app when you click on Series/All Seasons, first 6 in my series list

The 100
12 Monkeys
2 Broke Girls
A Place to Call Home

Example of some that are working / it does load the episodes fine

A to Z
AirPlane Repo

Figured it out! Apparently, some episodes aren’t returning the “overview” field. I was checking for null on the field, but not if the field exists…


nzb360 v8.6.2 is now out with the fix! =)


Thanks for the update Kev! And the fast fix!

Working again after the update, thanks.