Sonarr version (unsure)
Mono version (mono-core-2.10.8-9.el7.x86_64)
OSCentos 7
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar)
Description of issue (if you think you’ve found a bug please include steps to reproduce):
I followed the guide in github
The program starts correctly, but during the startup when it’s writing it’s initial tables and data to the sqlite db, it just hangs up and won’t move forward. I waited 10 minutes before restarting the service. When I restart it fails and shows a stack trace.
Below are the logs leading up to the hang of the process. It’s all I have.
Apr 10 22:11:49 mythtv mono: [Debug] MigrationLogger: Committing Transaction
Apr 10 22:11:49 mythtv mono: [Debug] MigrationLogger: 76: add_users_table migrated
Apr 10 22:11:49 mythtv mono: [Debug] MigrationLogger: Took: 00:00:00.0033410
Apr 10 22:11:49 mythtv mono: [Info] MigrationLogger: *** 77: add_add_options_to_series migrating ***