Any time I try to change the directory to the drone path in Sonarr it tells me, “Failed to save download client settings.”
I’ve tried restarting Sonarr and my computer. I’ve tried uninstalling the Sonarr service and running Sonarr in admin mode. Nothing seems to make a difference. There is no mention of this issue in my logs. Also, I cannot turn off completed download handling; it results in the same error.
If I refresh the page and hit save settings, (without actually changing anything) the settings will save and give the blue confirmation box at the bottom right. But I can’t actually toggle any settings within the menu itself.
Is there a config file where I can change these values without sonarr actually running? I only want to change the drone factory directory.
I had the same thing happen today.
I just set up Sonarr with Deluge yesterday and everything was working great. Today, after work, I decided that I wanted to set it up with uTorrent because I wasn’t a fan of Deluge. So I set up uTorrent, and set up the download client in Sonarr. I changed the drone folder to the folder where uTorrent moved the completed folder, as I read in another thread somewhere.
Tested quickly by putting an episode, and everything looked good. It labeled it correctly, downloaded, and that’s that. In activity, I got an error message that read, “Intermediate Download path inside drone factory, ignoring download”. Upon looking it up, turns out if I’m using Drone Factory, it shouldn’t be the completed folder, as per this wiki page.
Since this happened, I tried to revert back to the settings and point it to a different folde,r but my settings won’t save anymore.
Also noticed that there was an update done to Sonarr today. Not sure if that had anything to do with it, but I figured I should mention that.
The logs looked normal. No entries about not saving was entered.
The only thing it lets me do is save, is if I enable or disable the download client.
I have “Yes” marked for everything.
15 for Drone Factory Interval, and Drone Factory path is still set to the old folder where uTorrent would move the completed downloads.
When I toggle Failed Download Handling to “No”, it let me save. As soon as I toggle it back to “Yes”, I get the red “can’t save” message.
If I modify the drone factory path, the blue save notification does not come, instead I get the red “can’t save” message.
Now that I saved after disabling Failed Download Handling, I can’t go back to enabling that setting anymore.
Not sure what’s causing the issue, but I have temporarily solved it by stopping uTorrent from moving completed downloads into the Sort folder, since I can’t change the Drone Factory Folder.
I just created a new random folder, and let uTorrent just download directly into that folder. This successfully renamed and moved the file to the correct folder.
It however, did not delete the file from uTorrent once the download was done. Even though in Completed Download Handling, “remove” is enabled, which I can’t turn off anymore.
Any help is appreciated.
Not sure what caused the issue, but completely removing Sonarr and then restoring my settings via a backup seems to have resolved the issue I was having.
I too am experiencing this issue. Simply want to change the Drone Factory Folder location and am unable to save when I do so, I use the pop up File Browser selection screen to select the folder but I am not able to save. Also another strange sidenote, I can’t seem to delete any Download Clients.