Can't load web UI

Sonarr version (exact version): v2.0.0.5301
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Mono version is 3.10 or better: 4.0.3
OS: macOS 10.14.2
Debug logs: No errors seen
Description of issue: Sonarr is running on Mac mini and downloading, but when loading the web UI, it stops at the floating balls. It’s been running fine for a long, long time and suddenly the web UI doesn’t seem to load. Reboot didn’t help. Stopping and starting Sonarr didn’t help. No errors seen in debug or trace logs. Issue happens from Safari, Chrome, Chrome (Incognito), and iOS Safari. I tried a fresh install and still have the web UI hanging at the floating balls.

What else should I look at? Chrome Developer Tools?

Yeah, check out the Console tab.

Also enable trace logging (you’ll need to do this in the config file) and restart Sonarr, then try to hit the UI, that’ll log the API calls made during app loading and may give a clue.

Here’s the Console:

Trace logging is on and i have sonarr.txt, sonarr,trace.txt and sonarr.debug.txt. I see some errors about:
-indexers (not relevant to the web UI showing up)

-19-2-5 11:45:28.2|Trace|HttpClient|Res: [GET] http://localhost:9091/transmission/rpc: 409.Conflict
<h1>409: Conflict</h1><p>Your request had an invalid session-id header.</p><p>To fix this, follow these steps:<ol><li> When reading a response, get its X-Transmission-Session-Id header and remember it<li> Add the updated header to your outgoing requests<li> When you get this 409 error message, resend your request with the updated header</ol></p><p>This requirement has been added to help prevent <a href="">CSRF</a> attacks.</p><p><code>X-Transmission-Session-Id: J57zRVOf1609TJUuFZms2nckLIcwi4Gwifj3JM6SUYl9dlMJ</code></p> (325 ms)
19-2-5 11:45:28.2|Trace|HttpClient|Response content (581 bytes): <h1>409: Conflict</h1><p>Your request had an invalid session-id header.</p><p>To fix this, follow these steps:<ol><li> When reading a response, get its X-Transmission-Session-Id header and remember it<li> Add the updated header to your outgoing requests<li> When you get this 409 error message, resend your request with the updated header</ol></p><p>This requirement has been added to help prevent <a href="">CSRF</a> attacks.</p><p><code>X-Transmission-Session-Id: J57zRVOf1609TJUuFZms2nckLIcwi4Gwifj3JM6SUYl9dlMJ</code></p>
19-2-5 11:45:28.2|Debug|TransmissionProxy|Transmission authentication succeeded.
-19-2-5 11:45:58.9|Trace|Owin|SQLite error (17): statement aborts at 40: [INSERT INTO [Logs]([Message],[Time],[Logger],[Exception],[ExceptionType],[Level]) VALUES(@Message,@Time,@Logger,@Exception,@ExceptionType,@Level)] database schema has changed
-19-2-5 11:45:59.1|Trace|Owin|SQLite error (17): statement aborts at 21: [DELETE FROM [SceneMappings] WHERE ([Type] = @P0) ] database schema has changed
-19-2-5 11:45:59.1|Trace|Owin|SQLite error (17): statement aborts at 43: [SELECT [t0].[SeriesId],[t0].[EpisodeFileId],[t0].[SeasonNumber],[t0].[EpisodeNumber],[t0].[Title],[t0].[AirDate],[t0].[AirDateUtc],[t0].[Overview],[t0].[Monitored],[t0].[AbsoluteEpisod
-19-2-5 11:45:59.3|Trace|Owin|SQLite error (5): database is locked

Should I pastebin either of those log files? sonarr.debug.txt, too?

Based on the console output, one of 4 requests is failing:

  • Series
  • UI Settings
  • Tags
  • System Status

Trace and debug from when you’re loading the UI would be helpful.

You can also check the Network tab in the Chrome Dev Tools to see which request of the 4 above failed.

Looks like ui

Here’s the ui loading in sonarr.trace.txt:
19-2-5 13:06:30.4|Trace|Scheduler|Pending Tasks: 0
19-2-5 13:06:45.9|Trace|Http|Req: 11 [GET] /
19-2-5 13:06:45.9|Trace|Http|Res: 11 [GET] /: 200.OK (0 ms)
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|Http|Req: 12 [GET] /api/config/ui
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for ‘firstdayofweek’ defaultValue:‘0’
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for ‘calendarweekcolumnheader’ defaultValue:‘ddd M/D’
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for ‘shortdateformat’ defaultValue:‘MMM D YYYY’
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for ‘longdateformat’ defaultValue:‘dddd, MMMM D YYYY’
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for ‘timeformat’ defaultValue:‘h(:mm)a’
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|ConfigService|Using default config value for ‘showrelativedates’ defaultValue:‘True’
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|Http|Res: 12 [GET] /api/config/ui: 200.OK (1 ms)
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/config/ui: 200.OK (1 ms)
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|Http|Req: 13 [GET] /api/system/status
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Trace|Http|Res: 13 [GET] /api/system/status: 200.OK (2 ms)
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/system/status: 200.OK (2 ms)
19-2-5 13:06:46.6|Trace|Http|Req: 14 [GET] /Content/Images/favicon.ico?h=hnQH4IZszkSOw1Uy6Oe9Aw
19-2-5 13:06:46.6|Trace|Http|Res: 14 [GET] /Content/Images/favicon.ico?h=hnQH4IZszkSOw1Uy6Oe9Aw: 200.OK (0 ms)

and in sonarr.debug.txt:
19-2-5 13:03:34.3|Debug|PendingReleaseService|Removing failed releases from pending
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/config/ui: 200.OK (1 ms)
19-2-5 13:06:46.3|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/system/status: 200.OK (2 ms)
19-2-5 13:08:42.4|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/config/ui: 200.OK (2 ms)
19-2-5 13:08:42.4|Debug|Api|[GET] /api/system/status: 200.OK (2 ms)

Here’s a little more info from the Console:

Looks like status also fails in the browser, but succeed according to the trace logs.

Is it 3.10 or 4.0.3?
Either way upgrade to at least 4.6 before troubleshooting further, but might as well jump to 5.18.

Upgraded mono to 5.18 and I’m back! Thanks so much for the guidance.

So mono upgrades need to be done manually?

Unless there is an updater for macOS, yes manually.

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