Can't get atomic moves working, paths seem fine?

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Unraid 6.12.10
Description of issue: Paths and permissions are set as advised but atomic moves aren’t working. I can see new downloads being slowly copied from their download folder to the series folder.

Will post logs if it helps, but figured I’d get a sanity check on my paths/mounts/permissions if possible.
Downloads, imports, etc. work fine outside the slow copies.
Media/downloads are spread across a few hard drives in my array, nothing but appdata in cache.
Thinking I may need to match my download client and sonarr UMASK but not sure whether 000 or 022.

Permissions (set by download client, not Sonarr):
Directories: 775 (rwxrwxr-x)
Files: 666 (rw-rw-rw-)

Paths (mount <> local):
/media/tv/ <> mnt/user/media/tv
/media/downloads <> /mnt/user/media/downloads
/config <> /mnt/user/appdata/sonarr

Download client:
/media/downloads <> /mnt/user/media/downloads
/config <> /mnt/user/appdata/qbittorrentvpn/config

/media/tv/ <> mnt/user/media/tv
/media/movies <> /mnt/user/media/movies
/config <> /mnt/cache/appdata/plex (set directly to cache for db performance)

Download client:
UMASK: 000 (tried 022 but made no difference in behavior)
PGID: 100
UMASK: 022
PUID: 99
PGID: 100

Mount only /media in sonarr’s container, not the tv and downloads subfolders

That did it, thanks!

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