Can't find result in sonarr, but worked in prowlarr

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: ubuntu 20.04 with docker
Debug logs:

2022-04-13 11:33:26.1|Info|ReleaseSearchService|Searching indexers for [Barrack O’Karma : 2022-04-06]. 4 active indexers

2022-04-13 11:33:36.5|Debug|ReleaseSearchService|Total of 0 reports were found for [Barrack O’Karma : 2022-04-06] from 4 indexers
2022-04-13 11:33:36.5|Debug|ReleaseSearchService|Setting last search time to: 4/13/2022 3:33:36 AM
2022-04-13 11:33:36.5|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|No results found

Description of issue:

I can get correct result when I doing manual search inside prowlarr. But when I doing interactive search in sonarr, I get no result or even wrong result somtime. I have tried refresh Update Scene Mapping task, but still not working. Please help, attached my trace log below, thanks.

no result logs:

wrong result logs:

Please don’t use pastebin as the wiki explicitly says not to since they frequently block *Arr pastes.

Your Prowlarr screenshot is for a completely different series and is almost guaranteed to be you searching completely different than Sonarr is. Prowlarr’s history can show you exactly what was queried.

Those Prowlarr results also contain no season information and are certainly not the daily series type you told Sonarr to search for that show.

See the search troubleshooting guide on the wiki

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