Cant find config.xml Linux Mint

Sonarr version (exact version): Latest Version (Cant confirm as I cant login)
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Linux Mint
Debug logs:
Description of issue: I am locked out and need to edit my config.xml

I seem to have locked myslef out of my Sonarr and cant find the config.xml to delete/edit the password, could someone please point me in the right direction.


Do you mean that the folder containing your config.xml is locked? If so it may be like Emby. In Emby the folder containing it’s system.xml is locked and I have to stop the Emby service to get it unlocked, do my edits, and then restart Emby.

Thanks for you reply Locutus
No I cant get past the HTTP password in my browser so I need to edit the config.xml.
Sorry I should have been more clearer.

Latest is not a version.

How did you install Sonarr?

Thanks for your reply bakerboy448

I couldnt login to see the version hence the “Latest” :slight_smile:
Thanks for the link it gave me exactly what I needed…


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Yeah that is simple to do but I was locked out by the Sonarr front page by HTPP password page, you cannot go further until you enter the password…
Now I have edited the config.xml I now have full access to system tab again.

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