Cant delete trash items

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Unraid docker
Description of issue:
When sonarr downloads new (upgraded) files, I have it set to move the old file to recycling bin so I can go through them manually later and confirm an upgrade in file quality.

However, I cant seem to delete the files from my recycling bin, even though I have my permissions for both file and folder set to 0777

The error says “You require permission from Unix User\Nobody to make changes to this folder”

What settings should I change to fix this?

What does ls -l show for the folder you set to the Recycle Bin?

I don’t think Sonarr sets any permissions, so the files should either inherit the permissions from the folder or maintain what they had before.

The folder itself (_trash) is set to: drwxrwxrwx 1 simon users

Whereas the folders inside _trash are: drwxr-xr-x 1 nobody users

Im not sure why theyre different, or how to make the folders inside _trash deletable

I also just looked at my Radarr, which I believe is based on Sonarr. The files inside the Radarr recycle bin are -rw-rw-rw- 1 simon users and they are deletable

so im not sure why sonarr is acting differently when the permissions settings across the 2 apps are the same

Sonarr doesn’t set permissions on files/folders when deleting, you may be able to force the folder to inherit from their parent.

Not sure if the files inside the folders in Recycle bin are affected the same way, but recursively setting permissions will fix that.

You can use chown recursively (-R) to change the owner and delete them, you’ll need to run it as root.

You may also need to configure your container and to run Sonarr under your user, such as explains for that container (not sure if the container you’re using is the same).

Im guessing permissions are set when sonarr/radarr import the files?

Im looking through some random TV/movie directories and it seems sonarr has set various permissions:

directories are set drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users

videos files are drwxrwxrwx 1 nobody users

and meta files (nfo, subtitles) are -rw-r--r-- 1 daemon daemon (although these are probably set when Emby grabbed them)

is nobody/users the typical/correct user and group?

In sonarr settings, theres a permission section for setting chown user and group, would setting those fields to my username have the same effect as running chown -R on the recycle directory?


No idea, which user Sonarr is running as (and how that user is mapped back to the host OS in the container), also make a difference.

No, that’ll only apply to files imported moving forward.

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