I am having a strange issue where I can only connect to Sonarr when actually on the same home network as my NAS. I have tried using Sonarr’s local IP (, my external IP and my domain name, which all connect fine when on the same network but not remote.
I am currently running two other plugins which I’ve also port forwarded and they connect fine externally. CouchPotato on 9992, SABnzbd on 9994 and Sonarr on 9996. I have ensured 10xs over that these ARE all port forwarded correctly, so it seems to me it must be a setting I’m missing within Sonarr.
If you can connect on the same network (not only the system computer running Sonarr) then its setup correctly and its only your router that needs to be configured properly.
On Windows to get it to listen on all IP addresses (not just localhost), you need to run it as an administrator once: https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/Installation#windows and if your Windows firewall is running on non-private (domain or public) you need to open up the port in the firewall manually.
On non-Windows systems it will listen on all IPs by default.
If you can give more details about your setup someone may be able to help more.
I don’t use Windows firewall. I’d only opened up Sonarr for the single assigned port in my firewall. When I opened it fully it started working externally. I still only have the single port forwarded in my router.
I’ve got portforwarding on my router & am perfectly able to open the sonarr gui from the outside.
I have sonarr in a freenas jail, with bridged network.
You’re missing something
I had an issue with some ports where they were reserved ports on the router, so port forwarding was ignored. I got around this by having an unreserved port number point to a reserved one. So internally it was but externally I access it with a different port Myserver.com:5051 - as you’ve changed ports a bit of a long shot.
On your router do you select the device the port forwarding rule is attached to? Have you double checked it is the correct device (I always muck this bit up).