Can't connect to Deluge WebUI from within Sonarr

Sonarr version:
OS: Windows 10

Like the title says, I can connect to my deluge web UI absolutely fine from within a browser, but when I try from within Sonarr I get an “authentication failed” error. I know the ip, port and password are correct as I can log in from a browser. But it doesn’t work in Sonarr.

The ip address I’m connecting to is not localhost. I am connecting to the deluge web UI on a raspberry pi however I assume this shouldn’t cause Sonarr any problems? Has anyone got this setup to work or can anyone give me a hand and point me in the right direction. It might just be something stupid I’m overlooking.

Just switched away from Sickrage to Sonnar and so far it seems great. Looking forward to getting everything up and running.

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