Can't add root folder on external drive

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Debug logs: PrivateBin
Description of issue:

I have been trying to set up Sonarr on my Linux machine and am running into some sort of permissions issue, I think, when I try to add a root folder. The folder I want to add is /media/plex/Plexy/tv, which is a directory on the Plexy drive, a USB external drive with my shows on it. However, when I try to add it as a root directory in Sonarr, no error appears, it just doesn’t show in the list after choosing the directory.

I tried adjusting the permissions on it to a simple chmod -R 777 /media/plex/Plexy/tv but that didn’t do anything. What am I missing? I’m no Linux expert so perhaps it’s just something really simple. Thank you!

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