Cannot add root folder

Sonarr version
Mono version (6.12.0:
AcroLinuxD with the Plasma Desktop:
Cannot add root folder:

I installed Sonarr the other day and yesterday I went to set it up, all went well from what I can see except I cannot add a root folder. I used Dolphins root actions to gain access to the particular partition and other apps that need full access to it work without issue. Any suggestions and or help in fixing this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The Sonarr user is unable to create a test file (and subsequently delete it), so something with permissions is incorrect for the user running Sonarr.

Nothing in the logs to suggest what needs to be fixed fox xXWhackerXx?

Sure there is:

21-3-9 08:00:48.4|Warn|SonarrErrorPipeline|Invalid request Validation failed:
-- Path: Folder is not writable by user sonarr
21-3-9 08:00:48.4|Debug|Api|[POST] /api/v3/rootFolder: 400.BadRequest (41 ms)

This is why I said:

The Sonarr user is unable to create a test file (and subsequently delete it)

A generate permissions answer, because we don’t know what is actually wrong, is it running under a different user, not in the correct group, lots of things.

My final answer is:

Is there a way I can compare his to what I have? Same OS, same desktop, same version of Sonarr. All I used for my permissions to my Torrents folder was Dolphin’s Root Actions(ownership to active user). Thanks

Comparing the output of ls -la would be the default answer and you also need to know which user is running Sonarr and the group(s) it belongs to.

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