Can you disable Quality size restrictions

While I like the idea of being able to restrict the max/min size of a given quality setting, the current implementation is not ideal.

Currently you can’t adjust the max size without also adjusting the min size, and you can’t (as far as I can tell) indicate you want “none” as the size restriction for a given quality.

Could you change it such that I can type my own min/max values for each quality, and let you “uncheck” size restrictions for specific qualities, or else let us disable them all together?

I missed an episode because of these this weekend…


@millercentral said:
While I like the idea of being able to restrict the max/min size of a given quality setting, the current implementation is not ideal.

Currently you can’t adjust the max size without also adjusting the min size, and you can’t (as far as I can tell) indicate you want “none” as the size restriction for a given quality.

Changing the max size does not change the min size, changing the size only controls the max size, the min size is always zero. The two numbers are the size for 30 minute episode and a 60 minute episode (as explained in the tool tip when you hover over each one).

If you change the size while to zero (the very top) it will display no limit, which will instruct drone to download releases of any size for that quality.

This might be something we look at later, but for now we don’t plan on making any changes.