Can sonarr be configured to read resolution from the file metadata rather than filename and extension

I have 720p mp4 files being detected as quality SDTV…
recently some of my 720p library was overwriten by bloated new 720p files because sonarr thinks they are sdtv.

I dont wish to store the resolution/quality in the filename, i would like sonarr to detect the quality from the file itself.

there are lots of feature requests on this but i cant see that it has been implemented…is it possible?


It already does this.

Quality is not a property of a file; only resolution is.

Quality is source + resolution which is irreplaceable metadata.

If you don’t keep quality then sonarr will assume the worst quality for the given resolution - likely SDTV/HDTV when files are imported.

If it’s treating everything as SDTV and trace logs do not indicate it is using mediainfo then you will need to figure out why your system is missing mediainfo.

thanks, you seem to know sonarr’s expected behaviour, can i clarify some understanding…

my goal is that 720p [frame height as detected by media info gui client] filename.mp4 is detected as something higher than SDTV.

i understand now that sonnar will assume the worst quality for the resolution if there is no quality data in the filename…but i thought that sdtv quality is below 720p?

the actual file was unusually 4:3 so it was 942x720, this may be relevant.

i suspect that my installation is standard…i havent manually installed any mediainfo dlls…do i need to do that?

barring any new learnings from these questions it sounds like i need to check the trace log to see what sonarr is reporting about the files…

if (width >= 1200 || height >= 700)
_logger.Trace(“Resolution {0}x{1} considered 720p”, width, height);
return AugmentQualityResult.ResolutionOnly(720, Confidence.MediaInfo);


So assuming media info is working and you don’t have a healthcheck complaining about media info nor disabled analyze video files - trace logs will show details as well - width over 1200 or height over 700 will be 720p

ok will check logs to check file results but it looks like augmentqualityresult.resolution=720p is not enough to bump above sdtv

i need to check that analyse video files setting as well.

well thats embarrassing!..i was running v2…hasnt appreciated there was a new version out there…v3 is detecting my files as HD720.

thank you for the advice, some nice quality of life improvements noticed with v3, would never have got there without your help.

manually importing an episode defaults ui focus to most recent season which is nice.

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