Can I make Sonarr prefer torrents with more seeders?

What it says in the title. Sonarr doesn’t seem to discriminate between two torrents of similar quality. If one has 3 Seeders and 1 Peer and the other has 43 Seeders, I know which one I would pick. Sonarr always seems to pick the one that will get me my episode some time next week. I keep having to delete the torrent and do a manual search for that same episode to fix it. Is there any way to make Sonarr discriminate based on the health of the torrent?

Similar quality or the exact same quality? A release with a better quality is always going to win.

If they are the same quality there are a number of other factors at play, size being one of them and the biggest problem is there isn’t a direct comparison between the age of an NZB and the number of seeders, so we can’t only consider the total number of seeders. We’ve been had a few discussions on how we want to make this better for both NZBs and torrents, but its a complex problem that we don’t have an immediate solution for.

I don’t think you need to solve it. Atleast not right away.

I agree with Sobran that this is needed so perhaps we could just have the options available to set our preferences ourselves.

Even a “Minimum Seeders” value would be helpful.

If from there you could add an IF/THEN that the user could control.

If Minimum Seeders less than [value set by user]
Change Profile to [user selection from existing profiles]

The reason being, is that I would much prefer managing a potential Stalling issue inside of Sonarr. Doing it within the torrent client is messy and doesn’t “talk back” to Sonarr / provide error handling.

Thats not going to happen, its reasonable for us to allow a minimum to be set, but thats not going to change the profile, it would be a yes or no, to the question, is this release with 10 seeders acceptable.

I don’t see how this would help with stalling?

I still think we need to have a minimum seeders option like in CP. Right now I have a bunch of torrents sitting there cause there are 0 seeders. Seems silly to add if there is no one o get it?

The minimum is 1, except for KAT when the torrent is less than 12 hours old because KAT doesn’t tell Sonarr (or anything using its API) the number of seeders that are on the torrent for at least 12 hours.

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