Bug regarding manual download attempt of Doctor Who special

I know that there are issues surrounding specials, especially Doctor Who specials, but is this related to that? After being unable to download the recent Christmas special by pressing the automatic search button. So I did manual and selected one and got…

NzbDroneErrorPipeline	Request Failed: Empty collection is not allowed. Parameter name: remoteEpisode.Episodes	8:23pm
ArgumentValidator	Empty collection is not allowed.	8:23pm
DownloadDecisionMaker	Processing 19 reports	8:22pm
NzbSearchService	Searching 4 indexers for [Doctor Who (2005) : Doctor+Who+2005 Last+Christmas,Doctor+Who+2005 Last+Christmas]

And what’s the best way to deal with it?

Yes, there is another thread with the same issue: Cannot manually download some specials

Currently we need to prevent it from being grabbed if the episodes aren’t known, but the real solution is to allow you to force it anyways and have it link to the series + episode you searched for, but that requires more work and investigation.

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