Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):n/a
OS: win 10
Debug logs: problem with Torrent:
I have similar problem now that I added Usernet/indexers which flagged my account (pending)
Description of issue:
when I clicked on Search Selected on the first page of wanted, I noticed the app was talking a LONGGGGGGGGG time. Looking at the bottom-left status I noticed the same Show (SxxEyy) kept showing up… (huh??)
All I can tell from the logs, it has something to do with my indexers having a minimum seeds set to 8. It might have something to do with search results selected have a different SxxEyy download than what was intended, somehow. These are shows that are not in XEM and the mappings are all borked. But I want them anyway, shouldn’t matter if I want a show , it should still work. In any case, there is NO reason the same queue item to be processed over and over!
debug logs were attached.
now the plot thickens:
The day after getting this log, I decided I had enough with daily maintenance of torrents that end up with seeds =0 or seeds that never seed. A friend suggested that was why they switched to using usenet to download, so I finally bit the bullet and subscribed to a news feed, an indexer(s) and went ahead and set things up.
Today I got an email from indexer that my account was flagged: "account has been flagged.
Our system has noticed a high number of grabs per release getting downloaded. This would indicate an issue with your automation software which requires investigation.
going to Sabnzb, I saw this:
I noticed one of the shows was the same show I saw Sonarr trying to download over and over.
I got permission from indexer to reenable my account so I can turn on debugging and grab new logs to add to this post.
so TO BE CLEAR: the log file attached is BEFORE usenet was enabled, but I saw in the logs repeated attempts to grab the same show over and over. I will add the logs with the usenet/.indexer runaway shortly. I wanted to get this post up to begin the problem solving.
Thanks in advance for your help, I need someone with the source code who can help decode what is going on here.
Suggestions for troubleshooting?
would it be best to: start with torrents problem first, disabling the newsfeed indexers for now and blacklist the files in the queue, and have it search for these shows with debug enabled? try to fix this first, once identified, then reenable usenet and try to troubleshoot this next?