BTN Indexer on Linux not working - FIXED

BTN seems to have switched to another cloudflare https service for their site. Unfortunately this uses a TLS connection version not yet supported by currently available mono versions.
This means Sonarr will be unable to download the actuall .torrent files.

We saw the same thing happen with nmatrix and other websites using Cloudflare, but they stopped using CF or used http.

I’ll see if I can do something about it, but it’s not going to be easy, unless BTN switched off cloudflare for it or I find some hack…

EDIT: The BTN team has already stated it should be fixed within 24h, probably waiting for some updates to be applied in CF.

I’ll monitor the situation and jump in if the problem persists.

FYI: Tested @ 12:48 AM EST (12 hours after this post was made) and still noticing the issue

It is, but there’s still 9h to go on the deadline :smile:

Problem is that potentially they only fixed the certificate not being trusted, not the tls1.2 limitation, but we’ll see.

hm, it’s not even tls 1.2, cloudflare has tls1.0 too, it must be the cipher suites. Elliptic curve perhaps. (goes back to checking)

It’s been over 24 hours and the problem persists.

For in case anyone else is looking for it, here is the relevant BTN thread

For others using Sonarr it’s fixed, atm I get a timeout myself but I already confirmed, the tls problem is gone.
Maybe my IP is temporarily blocked for the previous connection attempts.

AH, restart sonarr.