Blacklisting downloads as incorrect for episode

In the past some else asked:

mattfallonAug '16
I have had a couple of incidents recently where episodes have been matched to a download, but the download is not the correct file. The download is mislabelled, and in fact is from a different series, or TV programme altogether.

It would be useful to be able to mark these downloads as “bad” / “incorrect” in some way so that they can continue to be monitored, and auto-downloaded, without continuing to download the same bad episode.

Some of this could be the logic for downloading. I have noticed that in some instances a download has an age which is significantly older than the release date for than when the episode aired. For example a download age of 593 days, for an episode which aired 7 days prior.

Appreciate your consideration.

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markus101Team SonarrAug '16
You can blacklist the releases so they won’t be retried (you can do this from Activity: Queue or Activity: History). There are a number of reasons why these can be picked up incorrectly (or seemingly incorrectly).

However, I’m using the latest release I can’t seem to find any way to mark or blacklist a download as incorrect, either through the Activity page or anywhere else in the UI. With the single exception of marking it so when it is actually being downloaded on the Activity page.

Go to the grabbed event for the release in question from Activity: History and you can mark is as failed, which will blacklist it and as you’ve seen when it’s actively downloading you can remove it from queue and opt to blacklist it.

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