Bazarr SignalR feed JSON error

Running Sonarr in Docker on a windows 10 host,
Sonarr Version: by

I also have Bazarr running, and recently got the following error message:

root                             (7f005c734b38) :  ERROR (signalr_client:48) - BAZARR cannot parse JSON returned by SignalR feed. This is caused by a permissions issue when Sonarr try to access its /config/.config directory. You should fix permissions on that directory and restart Sonarr. Also, if you're a Docker image user, you should make sure you properly defined PUID/PGID environment variables. Otherwise, please contact Sonarr support.

the permissions of my mounted config directory look like this:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 abc  abc        463 Feb  8 14:53 config.xml
drwxrwxrwx 1 root root         0 Jul 10  2021 custom-cont-init.d

I guess the permissions are wrong, but I don’t know what the correct permissions should be, and also since this is a windows host I can’t really change the permissions of files/folders in the mounted config folder.
Any help would be appreciated!

  1. do not docker on windows - there are no benefits and it’s a huge pain
  2. that issue occurs because your config permissions are typically too open

This is not a sonarr support issue nor is anything specific to sonarr. It is a docker / docker on windows permission issue.

Sadly I require windows for other things so just switching to linux is not an option. I just thought there might be a workaround or something since everything worked fine a few days ago.

If you NEED windows

Then why are you running these in docker on windows?

Just run them as the native apps

It’s still easier running services in docker than installing them individually on windows. If there’s no workaround I might have to do that though.

For anyone who perhaps has the same issue, I solved it by switching to WSL in docker and in the linux distro I’m using for WSL docker editing the file /etc/wsl.conf and adding

enabled = true
options = "metadata"

That way the content of mounted folders from the windows host can have different permissions / owners etc.

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