Bad Hostname

I am trying to set up NzbDrone so that I can access it remotely with a domain name. I changed the port on NzbDrone to 48081 and set up authentication on it. When I try to access it with the domain name (or even by entering the LAN IP on another computer), I am greeted with the following error:

Bad Request - Invalid Hostname
HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid.

Can someone point me in the right direction? I’m probably just overlooking a setting somewhere. This is on Windows 8.1.

Try running drone as administrator (at least once) to register the port with Windows. If you’re still having issues, please enable trace logging, delete the existing logs and start up drone via NzbDrone.Console.exe to capture the startup routine, post them on pastebin and provide us a link, please.

Running it as administrator worked! Thank you markus101

In my case no. Can I do the process of start up drone via NzbDrone.Console.exe? So maybe you can help me.

Best Regards.

Please create a new thread regarding your issue and provide more details.