**Sonarr version: ( by [linuxserver.io]
**Mono version:
OS: Synology DSM6.2 Running Docker
Debug logs: N/A
Description of issue: Assistance with correct syntax to rename episodes to fit with my current library naming convention.
Hi, I have just “upgraded” my Sonarr install to run on docker (mainly in preparation to migrate to a new Sinology DS920+ and DSM7. The naming convention I have been using for TV shows is: “Series Title/ Series Title - Season number Episode number - Episode Title”.
e.g “9-1-1- Lone Star/9-1-1 - Lone Star Season 3/9-1-1 - Lone Star - S03E12 - Negative Space.mkv”
Chicago Fire/Chicago Fire Season 10/Chicago Fire - S10E14 - An Officer with Grit.mkv
The default syntax is set to {Series Title} S{season:00}E{episode:00} - {Episode Title}, which results in the following
9-1-1- Lone Star/Season 3/9-1-1 - Lone Star S03E13 - Riddle of the Sphinx.mkv
While I did backup my previous install from the Synology package, I unfortunately failed to take note of the previous settings used to rename the files to my liking. I have tried a number of different syntaxes, but I can’t seem to get it right.
So I am requesting some assistance in getting the file rename syntax to work with my current naming convention
Happy to provide more information if required.