Arch Linux Updater Requests Windows Update Package

I have a really weird problem with the sonarr updater. I’ve set up sonarr with the service as posted here. When the updater runs, it for some reason downloads the windows version of the update instead of the mono version. When it then tries to unzip it, it fails.

Any reason why it would think my arch linux install is a windows os? :slight_smile:

Currently running and the download package it gets is

Please pastebin trace logs of the update process, so we can take a look.

Here’s the pastebin

Seems like returns the wrong release.

@WilTwin It should be back to normal now. Tnx for reporting it.

And as a linux guy you obviously are curious what it was: it was caching the wrong data.

Cool… Now I’m getting the right package! Have a different issue now, but that seems to be related to the systemd service. I’ll post the details in the original thread.