Arch Linux Permissions help

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: x86_64 Linux 4.6.2-1-ARCH
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue:

Hey, just trying to get the file moved but getting the “Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr:” error.

I’ve tried a few fixes from the forums but none seem to work… I even chmod 777 the file and dir and still gettting the error.

edit: also, is there a way to have test torrents? obviously waiting for actual episodes to download is a waste of time and data

In my experience sonarr (or mono don’t know) is very picky about permissions. The daemon username (uid) running the torrent client needs to be the same as the one running sonarr.

Why would the renamer care who what user was running transmission? I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m in the middle of trying that right now. Just curious of the thought process and/or logic behind that.

edit: hmm, so I changed the user who runs the sonarr service to me and it failed to start

With 777 it shouldn’t. The destination path in your case may be the issue, the error doesn’t say whether its the source or destination file thats the issue because the error Sonarr gets doesn’t say one way or the other.

ok, thanks markus. I will look into that.

##setting up sonarr file permissions:

  1. add sonarr to user group, sudo usermod -a -G (username) sonarr
  2. create a directory not in your home directory, like /data/media, where the sonarr user can have access to read and write.
    as root: mkdir -p /media; chmod a+rwx /media. sudo mkdir -p /media; sudo chmod a+rwx /media

well met fellow archer.

thanks alfried for getting me on the right track.

Firstly, to answer one of my original issues:
“I even chmod 777 the file and dir and still gettting the error.” This didn’t work bcuz my downloads were set to go to /home/{my_username}/Downloads/TV but /home/{my_username} dir had 700 permission, so only my user could get in there, i changed that to 750 and bcuz sonarr is in the same group as my user, it worked fine after that.

(NOTE: dont change the /home/{my_user} to 770. this will make sshing into the computer impossible (if you use keys, dunno about passwords). ssh doesnt like it if any user other than the owner of that dir to have access to the .ssh folder)

so in the end, heres my setup. my user and sonarr are in the same group that owns my /home/{my_user} directory. sonarr will tell transmission to download the files to /home/{my_username}/Downloads/TV (sonarr user will need access to TV one way or another). the renaming and file clean up works!!! yay!!

thanks guys

keep up the good work markus. if you need any help let me know!

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