API - GET single episode

I’m using v2.0.0.5344 on Debian

I’m confused by the API documentation:

I know that http://XX.XX.XX.XX:8989/api/episode?seriesId=51 [I send an Auth header alongside this] will return all the data for that series.

I can see that the episode endpoint says GET/{id} returns the episode with the matching id, but I don’t know where to put this. I’ve tried all the variations that I can think of, but I’m not getting anywhere and most of the time still get the JSON for the all episodes in the series.

Any help would be appreciated!

Easiest would be to open dev tools in your browser and click an episode to see the call sonarr makes.

I have tried that, and I see episodeNumber, id, and absoluteEpisodeNumber but providing any of these in the URL still returns JSON containing all the episodes of the series.

I got the answer via discord:

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