Anime? Series name that starts with a dot acts weird

I added a series called .Hack// ( ). Now when I use the series overview page and click on the link, I get this message:
“message”: “NotFound”

If, however, I use the built in search function to find it and I click that, I get sent to the proper page just fine and can do whatever I can normally do. I should note that both the working link and the not working link point to http://hostname:8989/series/.hack
Also, if I am viewing the page that works and I refresh it, I get the same NotFound-message as when I would have clicked through from the series overview.

It looks like you have some sort of code in place that turns any show name into a slug. My guess is that translating a period to either an empty string or a dash will solve this problem.

drone just uses the same slug that uses.

I’m not able to reproduce this issue, I can go to .hack from any of the series pages (posters, overview or table) as well as other pages.

What browser and on what OS?

My browser is the most recent Firefox on Windows 7 64-bit. Drone runs on a Synology NAS which runs on Linux. Let me know if there is any more info I can provide.

Ahh, okay, I don’t see the first issue, but refresh breaks it, so there is something there.