Anime naming question

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 3.10.0 (tarball Thu Feb 4 00:22:52 PST 2016)
OS: FreeBSD jail (FreeNAS)
Description of issue:

I’m a new user of Sonarr.

All my shows imported automatically perfectly, except a few ANIME which used the anime-style episode number, by that I mean episode 1 to XXXXX without season.

So for example, on of my folder contains files from :
Dragon Ball Z - S01E001 - The Arrival of Raditz
Dragon Ball Z - S01E276 Goku’s Next Journey

So Sonarr will recognize season 1 (episodes 1 to 39) and then that’s it.

What’s the most efficient and safe way to deal with this please?

I was think about

  1. Getting rid of the S01 in the name, like so
    Dragon Ball Z - E001 - The Arrival of Raditz

  2. Moving all the files from my series folder to my drone factory folder and trigger a scan


The problem is that 276 is an absolute episode number. And Anime parsing in Sonarr requires some kind of pattern unique to anime to be able to recognize it as such… For example [Fansubgroup] {title} - {abs} …

All the patterns are in this file:

of particular interest are these, basically fallback patterns to catch strays.
So yeah Dragon Ball Z - E001 - The Arrival of Raditz should work.

Also, don’t use the drone factory… ever.
Put it in an empty folder somewhere, not your series folder. Then go to Wanted->Manual Import, point it at that folder. Gives you an opportunity to verify what it’s gonna do with your precious files.

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