First i want to say I LOVE this function and cannot wait for it to be ironed out! and am going to help as much as i can now that its in testing Again Thanks NZBDRONE team and Markus for doing this! its already working more solidly than sickbeard does half the time!
The indexer finds the show both as automatic and manual Search for the episodes but when i go to pick one even under manual i get the following message.
Request Failed: Empty collection is not allowed.
Parameter name: remoteEpisode.Episodes
System.ArgumentException: Empty collection is not allowed.
Parameter name: remoteEpisode.Episodes
at NzbDrone.Common.EnsureThat.EnsureCollectionExtensions.HasItems[T](Param1 param) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\zbDrone.Common\\EnsureThat\\EnsureCollectionExtensions.cs:line 52 at NzbDrone.Core.Download.DownloadService.DownloadReport(RemoteEpisode remoteEpisode) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\zbDrone.Core\\Download\\DownloadService.cs:line 33 at NzbDrone.Api.Indexers.ReleaseModule.DownloadRelease(ReleaseResource release) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\zbDrone.Api\\Indexers\\ReleaseModule.cs:line 48 at NzbDrone.Api.Indexers.ReleaseModule.<.ctor>b__0(Object x) in m:\\BuildAgent1\\work\\328d72309b633a8\\src\zbDrone.Api\\Indexers\\ReleaseModule.cs:line 39 at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Func2 , Object )
at Nancy.Routing.Route.<>c__DisplayClass4.b__3(Object parameters, CancellationToken context)
No Clue what it means but it happens when i try to manually Pick a Episode for Any Anime, Fairy Tail, Ranma, Knights of sidonia Some of these series i have some others None another Strange Issue is That I have All of Fairy Tail up to 175 But for some reason NZBdrone only Finds 50ish episodes. and ignores the rest even though they have identical Naming Schemes and File types. IE it finds Fairy tail - 104 mest.mp4 But it ignores 100 Other episodes named Identically.
System.Xml.XmlException: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 7.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom(XmlReader r)
at System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReadContentFrom(XmlReader r, LoadOptions o)
at System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Load(XmlReader reader, LoadOptions options)
at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.RssParserBase.Process(String xml, String url) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Indexers\RssParserBase.cs:line 34
at NzbDrone.Core.Indexers.FetchFeedService.Fetch(IIndexer indexer, IEnumerable`1 urls) in m:\BuildAgent1\work\328d72309b633a8\src\zbDrone.Core\Indexers\IndexerFetchService.cs:line 134
And then The same error as above. when i try to manually add it. also It Claims its not fitting quality profile or size. yet it does in both cases.
What series/episode are you searching for when you get the empty collection error?
Whats an example of a few files that fail to parse correctly?
Bad XML from fanzub, I can’t get the page to load at all right now, so I suspect they’re having issues. Debug logs of the rejection will show the size and qualities parsed, as will the manual search, are they correct in drone?
{Series Title}{episode:00}{Episode Title} isn’t even a valid format in drone, so it shouldn’t save it. Its messing up the renaming because drone can’t make sense of the title, I’ll fix the validation, but you should use the absolute number instead of just the episode number, at least right now, any reason to use the episode number?
1, I am searching for Fairy Tail, Or Ranma, Or Knights of Sidonia , Dragon ball Kai , Date alive II - That error occurs when i try to manuallly Pick the episode to download for just about any series.
Some fairy tail episodes which refuse to parse:
Fairy Tail - 049 - The Day of Fated Meeting
Fairy Tail - 050 - Special Request Watch Out for the Guy You Like!
Fairy Tail - 051 - Love and Lucky
Fairy Tail - 052 - Allied Forces, Gather Up!
Fairy Tail - 099 - Natsu vs. Gildarts
Fairy Tail - 100 - MestDid parse but now it does not anymore I didn;t change the name
These parse:
Fairy Tail - S01E01 - Fairy Tail - Parsed before changing the name to Sxe1x as well. the entire first season is in that naming format and parses. but it all parsed with the original format as well.
In drone i have No Minmum on my Sizes and qualitys Only maximums and they are correct as far as i can tell. It appears its rejecting them based on the file name not having a quality in the title. is my best guess.
Thats The String Generated BY NZBdrone when i use the Dropdown menu it provides and I Choose absolute for the Episode. I Picked Series title then Abolsute 01 then Episode title. and thats what drone spits out.
5, I The name its searching for is The same on Both Newsnab and Fanzub and I can find it on fanzub and at least one of my newznab providers but drone is searching for the other name and nothing comes up with that name.
Okay i enabled debug logging but its Not something thats In there when i do manual Search and then Hover over the Icon for why the episode was rejected it says Quality rejected by series profile and File size to big or small. In the red reason why this release is no good, Not sure how to give u debug logs though will be glad to,
I also Noticed Some Parsing Errors In Dragon Ball Kai it Fails to list episode 98 In Season 1 and so starts the Season 2 at 98 for absolute Numbering which is Incorrect causing it to Name things wrong and Pull Episodes wrong. By 1 episode so for episode 10 of season 2 it should be 108 But NZB Drone pulls 107 Which is episode 9.
Not sure if the Info relates to the other issues with fairy Tail But i Just watched my Drone Download an episode put it in my factory folder then Delete it without ever moving it into my Fairy tail folder. or marking it complete. etc…
I’m getting the same issue on any of the Date A Live II episodes. I search for them from the show list, click on manual search and then any of the FanZub items and they all through the same error. Running NzbDrone Anime Branch ( I’ve also just done a fresh upgrade an all of my episode number is left as default.
14-6-10 21:42:39.7|Warn|ArgumentValidator|Empty collection is not allowed.
System.ArgumentException: Empty collection is not allowed. Parameter name: remoteEpisode.Episodes at NzbDrone.Common.EnsureThat.EnsureCollectionExtensions.HasItems<NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Episode> (NzbDrone.Common.EnsureThat.Param1<System.Collections.Generic.List1<NzbDrone.Core.Tv.Episode>>) <0x00063> at NzbDrone.Core.Download.DownloadService.DownloadReport (NzbDrone.Core.Parser.Model.RemoteEpisode) <0x002bb> at NzbDrone.Api.Indexers.ReleaseModule.DownloadRelease (NzbDrone.Api.Indexers.ReleaseResource) <0x000cf> at NzbDrone.Api.Indexers.ReleaseModule.<.ctor>b__0 (object) <0x0002b> at (wrapper dynamic-method) object.CallSite.Target (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,System.Func2<object, object>,object) <0x000a0> at Nancy.Routing.Route/<>c__DisplayClass4.<Wrap>b__3 (object,System.Threading.CancellationToken) <0x0012f>