Anime Fansub Whitelist/Blacklist

It would be great if when you are adding a show with a series type of “anime” there would be another field to enter or have a list of preferred groups(whitelist) or groups to avoid (blacklist)

Right now (when using the bot) it downloads the first episode it finds which can sometimes be from a different group and then i need to manually re-download it.

You can use release restrictions to block certain words/groups, but you cannot currently prefer words.

I already came across that when googling and that isn’t the ideal solution as I would need to block 200+ groups, this is probably the one feature that sickrage has done extremely well.

Though in the meantime I don’t really have much choice but to go that route and remove groups from the block list as needed.

I re-read your original post and it’s unclear how you want preferred to work, but if it’s simple must be released by one of these sub groups Sonarr’s Must Contain will do that since that’s exactly how it works (when used with one Release Restriction).

This is purely an issue with anime being released in the current season, as there are show batches available once the season is over.

One subber may do a better job than another for the same show during the same season but be reversed on another show that same season.

A global setting for anime subbers isn’t granular enough as one isn’t always best for all, that’s why I would suggest when you click “add series” > enter show name >
In addition to the “path/monitor/profile/series type” a “subbers” feild would be great.

Sickrage uses to pull fansubber information to a list but also allows manual entry of whoever you want to use so the bot gets the right fansubber for the particular series.

Reason I stopped using them even though they have the better search options for anime is their DB keeps corrupting itself and not updating all shows correctly.

I hope that’s a bit clearer, and if this exists already I would love a step by step tutorial for that as I am probably just to used to sickrage, though having it right where the add show is would be amazing.

Restrictions only apply to all shows if they don’t have a tag. You should be able to add a tag to a given “Must Contain” restriction rule, and then add that tag to any shows which you’d like to use that rule. Thus different shows have different restrictions.

If things change for different seasons on the same show, you’d have to adjust the tags for that show accordingly.

This is also important as to stick (or atleast try to) with a given group for the show. To avoid different translations, formats, etc

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