XP Sp3
donwloading is generally working…but i cant get american dad! to work…
I have confirmed “American Dad S11E11 HDTV x264-KILLERS[ettv]” exists on Kat
I have tried a manual and automatic search in sonarr for S12E11. have tried a reboot of nzbdrone service.i have rerun the scene mapping task…
sonarr doesnt find a match
i see nothing in the episode activity (nothing at all/blank even after a manual or automatic episode search) or log to suggest XEM is ‘in play’.S11E11 is never mentioned…
i cant fine an option to turn XEM on, and am working on assumption XEM use is automatic…
As far as i can tell from logs, XEM is not in play…S12E11 is searched for and not found…end of story…
Any advice please? does Sonarrs use of XEM work with KAT/utorrent? Do i need to switch XEM on somehow?
edit using sonarr to aquire/search s09e11 aquires s09e11 torrent…so i guess XEM is not in play yet?
Sonarr uses TheXEM automatically, there is nothing to turn on/off.
When TheXEM is working correctly Sonarr will update a copy of its data when the series is refreshed (the scene mapping task is alternate names only), Sonarr will also show the mapping if you hover over the episode number on the series details page.
Please enable debug logging, refresh the series and check if the info has been updated, if not, please pastebin those logs so we can take a look.
XEM was not up to date, episodes 11 and 12 of the latest season were not mapped. Someone submitted a draft and I just made it public. Can you update the series in Sonarr and then try again?
odd its all working…thanks for advice…
I hover over the episode number and sure enough i see the mapping.
I look at the episode history for my test file s09e11 and its not blank like before!..i can see that originally, for my test, it downloaded torrent s09e11 for s09e11 but now it downloads s08E11…its working.
I did make a change prior to this test…i turned off my firewall…
Ive searched for a complete ports n protocol / app component description for sonarr but cant find*…is there a wiki article for this? the firewall is my best guess as to why the XEM functionality was not live when i tested this morning with s09e11 (which presumably has been live on XEM for much longer than today)…
*edit im looking to speciffically allow all local process to process communication and constrain all remote communication to a specific network / interface
edit 2…firewall looking more likely the cause…hadnt realised there was a separate console process.
im not so sure it was solely your change (thanks fro the that)…if it was just xem, then a maping which was in place years ago would have come into effect.when i tested with an earlier episode…
i believe the reason why i couldnt see the download history for episodes is my firewall was blocking the necessary database communication…
i have prooved to my satisfaction that my firewall was potentially interfering with both local process traffic eg sonarr to utorrent (wasnt this i dont think) and sonarr to sonarr/.net (if there is such a thing / multiple processes - dont understand it yet)…but in any case if both the sonarr applications are not both trusted in comodo firewall, then i had to turn of all local host filtering on to get no startup errors… but this was a red herring…
the issue was related i believe to the fact nzbdrone.console.exe was trusted, but nzbdone.exe has a custom rules set that i was not in control of…The end result was that some of sonarr download functionality was operational but not xem updates (i beleive) … i have had to (lazily/without understanding) set them both to ‘trusted’ in comodo to get the application to report no errors in the table log on startup…
if there was a wiki on every port, protocol, process comms, url that sonarr used i would be able to tie down better i believe…at the moment i cant have an application which is both trusted (need this to get the local comms working/no startup sonarr errors) and restricted to a specified interface (this is undesirable).
If anyone has sonarr locked down for utorrent/vpn (on same host) please advise on your application ruleset(s).