Alternate scene mapping?

Are there any options for using an alternative/fallback scene mapping service? XEM works great for popular shows, but for others (specifically BBC’s Horizon) they basically are ignoring them. It’s currently behind a whole season, and there’s a public request for a draft that fixes part of it but it’s been sitting there for over two months.

I’ve tried requesting someone look at it twice on #xem with no luck. Could be the wrong time of day, but most people in the channel were idle for days or weeks. And even if they push draft to public, the whole rest of the season needs to be fixed, which I wouldn’t even be able to do since I’m only level 1 and it looks like the show is a “complex mapping”.

I downloaded the source for the site from Github but it looks like it would be a ton of effort to try and rewrite parts of it to just handle some shows and forward the rest to the real site, but at this point that feels like the only option for downloading the shows automatically.

if you want this show to get fixed on thexem, then you have to ask in the thexem channel and wait there till somebody helps you there, this can take a while.

you just have to ask and we will take care of it. that show is just a huge pita due to the amount of specials and tvdb vs tvrage conflict that requires us to check release name/nfo with the ep to make sure. regardless, it is currently up to date now.

Thanks zoggy, I appreciate it. I noticed that same thing last night, it seems like half the episodes each season are mapped to specials.