Hey there
the idea is something that occurred to me. It is not something I particularly want, but instead I wondered whether you guys thought this could be useful!
Would it maybe be good to be able to add and edit small, notepad style “notes” for series? Say you share things with your wife or you are afraid you might lose track with too many series. It could be many things like:
- Whether you are seeding, if so where.
- The reasons for picking a particular set of release groups maybe
Just arbitrary stuff. This would of course be very hidden.
Alternatively a way to label things (maybe in a way that things go hand in hand with tags). Like being able to label cartoons or stuff you plan to delete when you are done watching it (an argument can be made that profiles are good enough for that and even preferred, even if you want the same quality settings).
I’ll note again, I was just wondering if you guys would see any use in this (at least enough to throw it in trello and see what the broader audience thinks of that).