Sonarr version (exact version): Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):4.2.3 (Stable Wed Mar 16 13:19:08 UTC 2016) OS: Ubuntu Linux 14.04.3 ((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar): Description of issue: So I relocated the sonarr install to a new server quite sometime ago and had some problems with the database which I got help with on here previously and that was a life saver.
Shortly after that I went in to check a setting and found all but the media management page to be blank.
After digging around for answers and waiting through a few updates to see if it fixes itself with a code update I have come to the conclusion I need help.
Looks like the server is returning everything thats been requested without any errors, so its likely a UI related problem.
Which browser are you using?
Have you tried another one?
Sorry for the delay, I’ve been scratching my head on this one, everything looks like it should be working.
In Chrome could you open the Dev Console (F12) and then load Sonarr’s settings page, on the network tab are there any errors loading resources (they will show in red) or any errors in the console tab?
Thanks, that helps a bit. It looks like either something cached in a bad way or something coming from the API is causing issues, though the former seems likely. In the dev tools on the Network tab there is a “disable cache” checkbox, could you try checking that then reloading the page?
Could you take a backup of your Sonarr install (System: Backup) and then PM me a link to download the backup zip file? I want to see whats going on with it and see if its database related (seems likely at this point).
Markus, I think I am going to start from scratch with a new DB.
Now I am getting malformed disk image errors and no GUI at all after login.
Additionally all of the logs are now being generated in a new location.
Original location was /home/user/.config/Nzbdrone/logs/
New location /var/log/upstart/
At this point starting over seems like it may be easier and since the reason I even care is to re-do the quality settings There isn’t much left to rescue… down-loader, indexers, and season passes. shows should all import.
I really appreciate all of your help.
Just so you know I am running the packaged version on Lubuntu 14.04 LTSB and not a git pull.
I will update you after I get a chance to re-deploy it.