Anyone experiencing an issue with nzbplanet being down? I’ve been constantly seeing the unavailable indexer message above, testing all and as of yesterday not working at all.
Going to their website shows a blank page. Nothing has changed on my Sonarr settings or media sever
"Update: Hi Nzbplanet Users, as you know last week we had a hardware failure, around the same time we decided it was time to upgrade to a bigger server as we had pretty much out grown the other one, since the server move we have been experiancing a few issues as you have probably noticed, site speed and the API up and down ect, We finally found out an hour ago that we have a bad batch of ram in the new server, we have ordered more but it will not be here for 24 hours hours, so we ask that you bear with us another 24-48 hours and then everything will be back to normal, we apologise again for the disruption and all going well within the next 48 hours we will be back to full speed