After DSM 7.2 upgrade and creating new docker, move of files not working

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Docker, not via package center
OS: Synology DSM 7.2 64750 RC3
Debug logs:

Description of issue:

So several things happened and currently i am stuck at the last step, copying the file from my new download location to the series folder. I am getting the error in image above: Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible.

In short, i had raid 5 with 3 disks. 1 failed.(again) This has happened too many times already so i decided to switch things up. I bought 2 SSD’s and put them in raid 1 in a different array. I have copied my current docker containers, amongst others, sonarr and radarr and set up 2 new shared folders, both on my SSD array. a download and a config shared folder. I nicely configured those in the new docker containers to point towards the new folders and i setup the security for them on both folder level and user level, just like the other original containers which worked.I also setup the path correctly in sonarr as far as i know:

THEN! i also upgraded to dsm 7.2. The reason was that i also had other packages like emby on there, which i needed to backup and the new hyperbackup beta has a functionality to backup my entire system. Since i am planning to move all my shizzle from the old HDD raid 5 that is currently broken to my SSD array i thought this was a smart move.

Like stated above, it was a long road with many bumps, but i finally got things to work, except for the last move towards my series folder. i double and triple checked my settings and security on both user and folder level, but now i am stuck.I need some fresh eyes, can you plz help me?

Ps i am terrible with a terminal, so if possible please write in UI solutions if possible.

what i did notice as odd is the . at the end of the filename. not sure if this is causing it?

Really hope someone can help me out?

The period is part of the log message, not the path Sonarr is looking for.

Looks like your remote path mapping is incorrect, /volume4/downloadSSD is not the same as /volume4/DownloadSSD.

omg…that was it. TYSM!! i am so dumb. i didn’t see it.

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