After 2 Years, Sonarr Not Grabbing Episodes Automatically

Sonarr version
Mono version N/A:
Windows Server 2019:
**Logs: **
Description of issue: Somewhat long time Plex user (around 5-6 years), been using sonarr/radarr/jackett for about two years now and this just started happening in Sonarr. No matter how long I wait (a day or a week) TV shows are not auto downloading unless I log into the webui and click the search button, then it picks them up instantly. Indexers do have the “Enable Automatic Search” Enabled. There’s no setting that I could find for “search frequency” or anything, and I would think my indexers are set up correctly because it finds them right away when I click “search for missing” on the Calendar page. Everything was working just fine until maybe a month or so ago.

  • Tried reinstalling Sonarr package
  • Cleared out my indexers and re-added
  • Removed some un-needed shows in case it was overloaded searching (down to 44 now from 71)
  • Confirmed on manual search for missing episodes there are dozens of results that meet my size/search criteria (no red exclamation mark)

Quick video:

There’s loads of errors in your log about chunks of time being missed by RSS, and that as a result, search may be required. Assuming this is why.

2022-10-10 09:10:34.1|Warn|Torznab|Indexer Jackett1337 rss sync didn’t cover the period between 10/10/2022 12:24:03 PM and 10/10/2022 1:10:34 PM UTC. Search may be required.

Alright definitely makes sense - This falls outside of anything I’ve troubleshot before so I’m not certain how to fix this, I have RSS enabled on the indexers, any help you could provide as to how to fix this would be appreciated

Sorry, doesn’t seem like a sonarr issue at this point, but jackett. Might be better asking over on jackett Github.

Only thing I can think of is shortening your rss sync interval.

Alright - hey I really appreciate the insight. This has been driving me nuts. Before I go that route I decided to go ahead and set up Prowlarr and ditch the Jackett indexers and see if that makes a difference. Have a few shows currently airing so I’ll post back if that worked.

It worked! Flawless auto downloading now. Not sure what the issue was with Jackett but Prowlarr has fixed the problem

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