December 16, 2015, 10:35pm
Pushbullet is getting premium, maybe you could use Pushline as an alternative…
Pushline:Desktop Notifications
Pushline is a free application that synchronizes notifications and badges between your smartphone and a PC or Mac Computer, its like Continuity for your Android device.You will never miss a phone call or message again while using your PC, even if your phone is in another room. You will never stop working or playing again on your PC to check your smartphone.No signup or registration required Instant mirroring of your phone's push notifications on your PC/MacRemote phone control directly from you...
Pushline will just move to Premium features within a year as well. That’s just how these things work.
I was going to look into adding support, but their site is offline.
At the moment we’re not really looking to add more notification channels, since a huge number of them popped up when PushBullet announced their premium pricing, but to be fair they need to make money to run a company.
March 6, 2016, 7:16am
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