Adding a path and path does not exist

I am probably an idiot I have read all the other posts on this subject and nothing is working. I have mapped drives on the computer. Sabnzbd and plex have no problems seeing them. I for some reason can not get Sonarr to see them. They are on WDMYCLOUD. There are no drives listed other than c:\ . I have tried \WDMYCLOUD\dwayne which is the mapped drive. I tried \\WDMYCLOUD\dwayne I tried the IP address of the network drive \\dwayne. I tried creating another user account and connecting the drive that way. I don’t get what I am doing wrong exactly. like I said I have looked and tried everything I could. I just need some additional help.


Try stopping the NzbDrone service and instead run NzbDrone,exe or NzbDrone.Console.exe directly and see if the results are the same.

I’ve got the same problem. Not long ago moved my Sonarr installation from a Windows 7 PC to a Win 2012 machine and now it doesn’t see any paths. I’ve made sure that the service is stopped and disabled and I run the program from the standard startup folder. The weird thing is that Sonarr can see my library, it can manage my shows with Sab and rename/move shows to my network path and I can delete shows as well. But if I try and add a new show or an existing show from disk it’s acting like there’s no paths. I’ve attached some screenshots to show what I’m talking about. Any ideas?

Add new show

Add show from disk

Existing Library

Sonarr Settings

Log showing where I tried to manually type in my L:/TV drive path and it failed

Windows Service Disabled

Alright well I got mine working. I had to create a mklink to my QNAP mapped network drive with my media on it, then open the DB with SQLite Browser and manually add the fake mklink path under rootfolders. Then re-opened Sonarr and now I can add an existing series or a new series.